Within a short time span I've suggested edits which rollback the previous edit, which has gone through the review of an edit-process. This is because the initial edit has added a tag, which redefines the scope to a more narrow problem field. To be more specific, the tag 2013 has been edited to the tags of the original question, and as we've learned, this would limit the question to match the specification of
For questions completely specific to all editions of SharePoint 2013 and not past or future versions
This seems to be a current trend of a particular user, but not all of the edits are unnecessary, so sure it's great we have revision activity in this community.
Now I'd put this question for the ones above 2k reputation and thus able to approve edits:
Do you actually go through the suggested edit? These misleading edits actually harm the questioner's chances of receiving help, so it's all but shrugs we should give for this matter.
Now this might be something which could be discussed on chat, but to have something to be answered on this meta question, I'd like to ask could this sloppy editing & approving be kept under control (& how)?