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7 votes
1 answer

Search for old answers

Is there any simple method to search for my old answers , I have more answers , but I can' reach quickly to a specific question ? Is it applicable to add a Search TextBox in answers tab as Search ...
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to get reputation credit for migrated questions?

I asked 2 questions (here and here) that were migrated to sharepoint.stackexchange from superuser at my request, which is great. However, I am having a cascading problem: I don't appear as the person ...
KAE's user avatar
  • 191
3 votes
1 answer

Why is the site SharePoint Stack Exchange not to be found using Bing Search?

Not really sure if this should be posted here: For some reason I'm unable to find the homepage of SharePoint Stack Exchange using the keywords "SharePoint Stack Exchange". I'm able to find the ...
TempaC's user avatar
  • 1,657
2 votes
1 answer

Search within code block

When I try to search the term 'ActivityNotFoundException' SP SE returns 0 search results. But posts containing this term actually exist (e.g. "The activity named 'WorkflowXaml_GUID' from ...
Slaven Semper's user avatar