I did a flagged an answer once as : Low Quality, but the flag was declined with the comment:
"- flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer"
I then made a flag, let's have an example as this answer:
Error in SharePoint hosted app: Add permission level to the list programmatically
But this time, I was hesitated to make it as Low Quality because I thought it would have been rejected, the answer was without codeblocks, and just two lines of code, with no explanation whatsoever, so rather than flagging it as low quality, I thought I might let the admins have a look at it by flagging it as: "in need of moderator intervention ", but it was declined with the comment:
"flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention"
So if I see an answer like the one I saw, I should just let it there? Because it is clearly a low quality post, but right now I have just decided not to flag anything, and to just vote down on posts like that.