As a thank you for being awesome, if you have at least 730 reputation and are on page 1 or page 2 of …
… we'll be sending you a little care package shortly:
- SharePoint Stack Exchange t-shirt in your size
- SharePoint Stack Exchange die-cut, vinyl stickers
- Stack Exchange sharpie
- Stack Exchange pen
- Stack Exchange stickers
You can expect to get an email soon with details on how to confirm and provide your mailing address and size preferences.
The t-shirt
The sticker
The rest of the items you can view in the Stack Exchange store — direct links to sharpie, pens, stickers.
(for anyone else who wants this swag, but isn't on page 1 or page 2 of the all time top users -- the limited edition t-shirts and stickers will be available for purchase from the store soon as well)